

Harvested and prepared in TANZANIA according to the traditional method, our TANZANIA VANILLA BEANS enrich your creations with the intensity of their aromatic notes; woody, hay and powdery.

+ Planifolia variety
+ Black gourmet quality

Circle of flavours

Tips from the Maître Vaniller

Directions for infusion :
Split the bean, scrape out the seeds with a knife and immerse it all in your liquid preparation (1 to 3 beans per liter).
Let infuse at 70 ° C for 20 min then let it cool down. If possible, let infuse 24h in the fridge. 

Directions for storage :
Store the beans away from light at room temperature in a metal box or glass jar (do not refrigerate nor freeze).


1 kg vacuum bag 
5 beans in a glass tube

Our assets

Prestige an internationally-known
French brand.
Heritage a family history since 1946.
Know-how quality craftsmanship.
Technique a recognised and patented
extraction process.
Expertise a recognised aromatic expertise.

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